A few years ago we and our neighbor Francis Craddock, were missing our papers, two or three days a week. We had a lot of contractors in town at the time and I suspected they picked them up to read while waiting to start work or at lunch time.
I got up early a few mornings but the paper did not disappear on those mornings.
Frieda called Bridget Stroud who was delivering our papers at the time and told her of our problem. Bridget said she would call when near our house and we could watch for whoever was taking them. Well Bridget called and Frieda took vigil at our front bedroom window.
It was not long until a beautiful red fox ran out of the driveway of Matt Walkers barn and ran across the road. He jumped the ditch and grabbed our paper and headed up our driveway. Right behind that one came another and jumped the ditch and grabbed Francis`s paper. Then the second followed the first up our driveway.
Frieda called Bridget and told her what was happening so Bridget had a newspaper tube put up across the road.
This solved our problem and for a bonus I can pull across and reach out the window for the paper as I leave for my morning coffee at the restaurant.
A few weeks later I read where somewhere out west the same thing was happening to someone else. This person found the foxes den and right outside in a neat pile he found all his missing papers.
Maybe this is why the term “Smart like a fox” is used.
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