Sunday, August 5, 2012

Part 4 “PO Random Thoughts, Princess”

One of my favorite customers was not even human but was a dog.  She sure acted human at times though.  She was a beautiful German Shepherd  named Princess.  Billy Kimbro belonged to her.  When Billy was in school or just away from home Princess would walk with me.  She knew by the time approximately where I would be.   I have seen her when she did not see me and she would go to the porch step and smell for my spoor.  If she picked it up she would go one way and if not she would go in the other direction.  She was great company and was a distraction to other dogs.
If I got on a street with no sidewalk I would snap my fingers and she would heel to the side I snapped on.  She would stay there until we got to a walk.  I think she understood about everything I said to her.
There was an old rabbit that stayed under a bush in Jim Wooten`s yard and when we got to the house next door it would run and Princess would be on its heels.  I began to think that this was a game for both of them and the rabbit was waiting for her.
When we got to the Post Office back door she would wait for me by the back door.  When I finished I would leave and she would be on my heels.  I would open the front passenger door and Princess would jump in.  I would drop her off at her house on my way home.   Tommy told me once that if she was inside and it was time for me she would go to the utility room door and have a fit to go out.   She would not want out on Sundays or on my day off but she never had time to learn the holidays.
When not in school Patricia and Valerie Allison would be waiting for me.  When they were small Rachel would let them walk as far as Jim n Wilma Walkers house.   They were thrilled when Rachel said that they could walk as far as the funeral home.   One day they were really happy.  Their mom had said that they could go as far as the First Baptist Church if I would watch them cross the street.
Danny and Amy O’Neal would always meet me at the door with a huge glass of ice water or tea.  Occasionally they would walk half a block to bring it to me. 
Once at City Letter Carrier state convention a carrier was fussing because he wanted to switch to a commercial route.  He said the route he was on had too many kids on it and he did not like kids.  Being the quiet, politically correct person I am.  I stood and informed the gentleman that if he did not like kids he was in the wrong profession.  He was the only carrier that I ever heard say that they did not like kids.  I knew I was getting old when the kids on my route were having kids.  Extreme weather Is hard on a carrier especially when it lingers but the kids make it all worthwhile. 
I got to my cousin Mona Goetz house on E. Clay Street one day and her sister Sandra Lemon was there and all the kids.  The kids were riding a skate board and were trying to talk me into riding down the street on it.  Well now Sandra is my age and I should have known better as she was all tomboy growing up and had introduced me to skating.  Unwisely I said I would if she would ride it.  She did.  Now their house was three doors down the street from the postmaster’s mother.  Had he seen me ride a skateboard, down a hill while on the job, he would have not been a happy camper.  This was a first for Sandra and for me.  Had I fell and been hurt I don’t know how he would have reported it to his superiors.  Maybe something like the newspapers report those cruel SUV`s.  “Skateboard crashes mail carrier and sends him to the ER.”  Luckily I did not find out.

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